The Auralator is Radio Chinwag’s time-challenge quiz that tests your listening comprehension skills in English. The Auralator is a pure audio quiz - all instructions and quiz questions will be given in audio files ONLY. The quiz is a time challenge - you will get a bonus or penalty depending on how fast or slow you are. By playing The Auralator you'll improve your listening skills in English - great for your exams! You'll hear native English speakers from England, Scotland, Ireland, Australia and North America. And it's a fun competition - compare how well you're doing against your friends.
Online listening comprehension time-challenge quiz
The Chinwag Challenge is Radio Chinwag’s inter-school, knock-out quiz competition in English. Teams of four from participating schools compete against each other, with questions set on general knowledge and current affairs, vocabulary, spelling, logic, anagrams, mathematics and “Honglish vs English”. And there’s a “head-to-head” round to test students’ risk-taking and strategic skills under pressure.